Research is a key element in SOTULUB's production activities, as it largely determines the quality of outputs.
The company has a quality control and research laboratory that brings together all stakeholders allowed to intervene in the various analyses envisioned for each stage of the production cycle, including pre-production, production and after-sales. The latter are also charged with testing samples of raw materials and end products.
SOTULUB's laboratory contributes to providing all the services necessary for the various production activities. It also helps conduct research and render services to third parties. It focuses mainly on developing a new generation of engine oils and studying threats relevant thereto.
Quality control is, therefore, not confined to laboratory activities, but rather covers all decisions that may concern the product quality.
SOTULUB's laboratory is in charge of 4 main tasks:
- To ensure the constant development of the company
- To take samples during the different process stages
- To carry out process control analyses for used oil regeneration and lubricating grease manufacturing units 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
- Perform specification analyses (quality, balance sheet, environment, etc.)