SOTULUB is awarded triple certification for all its activities.
SOTULUB has been certified in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9000 series of standards since November 2000. This certification has evolved in light of the various revisions, before the conversion to the latest 2015 version of the ISO 9001 standard.
The quality management system covers the two main activities of SOTULUB, namely the regeneration of used oils and the manufacture of greases, so as to satisfy customers and provide a favorable response to the requirements of different stakeholders.
Having always been faithful to its pro-environment policy, SOTULUB pledged to set up an Environment Management System (EMS) according to the ISO 14001:2004 standard and succeeded in obtaining this certification in January 2011.
SOTULUB migrated to the 2015 version of the same standard in 2016.
As part of its commitment to the continuous improvement process, SOTULUB also undertook to establish an Occupational Health and Safety Management System in accordance with the OHSAS 18001 standard in April 2014, and migrated to the new ISO 45001:2018 standard in April 2020.
In order to consolidate this integrated QHSE approach, SOTULUB has set itself the strategic objective of being a :
prosperous, sustainable and socially responsible company